Unicycle Association The CUA board of directors has 12 members. Most of the administrative work is done at the CIST headquarters. Below is an introduction to some of the leading officials. The surname always precedes the given name, according to Chinese custom. More soon.....
Zhang Shuxiao is one of the main forces behind promoting unicycling in
China today. He had the IUF rules translated into Chinese, and is actively organizing
unicycling meets and student exchanges.
Zhao Yang (Charles
Zhao) Zhao Yang, in English Charles Zhao, works at the China International Sports Travel Association. He is the main (almost the only) contact person with whom the world can communicate with the CUA. His English is pretty good. He has translated the IUF rule book into Chinese, and translates all correspondence to the CUA for his boss Zhang Shuxiao. Charles Zhao has been replaced by Yuan Xiaoge as of June 1999.